Behind-The-Scenes of My 2014, my first year in business.

Happy New Year! I hope you had an amazing new years celebration and that you're ready for to make 2015 UNBELIEVABLY amazing. 

For me, I could never ever have imagined 1 year ago that I would be starting off 2015 writing this email. 

Today I’m want to share with you the story of my 2014, with the hope and intention that it will inspire you to go for your dreams in 2015.  Over the last 12 months, I didn’t always know exactly what I was doing. I just knew that I was meant for more and took a few MAJOR leaps of faith.

In between those leaps, I stuck to my dreams, took tons of tiny right actions and now everyday, I get to live my dreams:

January 2014: I go to Singapore for my last semester of university on student exchange. I pack two full suitcases, because I’m ready to staying in Southeast Asia if I find a job.

February: I watch Marie Forleo’s Bschool launch videos and am inspired to invest $2000 of my own money into this high-end online program for entrepreneurs. It’s a lot of money for a student but something in my gut tells me I HAVE to do this.

I have a feeling that it will forever change the trajectory of my life.  If I do this, my future will never be the same. 

Two weeks later, my university sends me a $2000 bursary out of the blue.

Okay,  Universe, I got the message.

I am on track. 

March: I spend every waking moment engulfed in learning about blogging, websites and techy stuff.   My Facebook newsfeed becomes flooded with other brave souls who are building online empires and suddenly, I’m not so alone.

I pass up trips to Vietnam, Cambodia, Hong Kong, and Malaysia to stay in my dorm room and learn about online marketing.  

April: I buy the and domain. The idea behind the website was for it to be a guide for help our generation (young people in their late teens, 20’s and early 30’s) follow their passions and turn their passion into a career that lights them up.

I finish the last exam of my university career.  Within days, I’m on my way back to Canada because I have no idea what to do with myself.

 All I know is that I have burning passion to build this website and start a movement.

May: I start my weekly newsletter to 50 subscribers. I speak at my old high school about the travels I went on in university. #fullcirclemoment

I have nights where I wake up in a panic because I’m dreaming about my website and all that I have to do. 

June - July:  I launch my full site with  I deal with lots of techy things and realize that techy stuff is not my forte. I write, design and speak some more. I spend a tiny portion of each week looking into jobs.  

I’m hesitant to get a full time job because I want to have the time to build my website and community.  I just know that I’m not meant for a 9-5 career. 

August: I land a few more speaking gigs around Toronto.  I keep blogging, vlogging and learning.  Seredipity takes over and I meet the guys at Loop: Design for Social Good.  They offer me pay to do exactly what I love.

September: I make another big inspired 4-figure investment into an online program, and this kicks my a$$ into high gear. I rebrand my website and switch my website over to I get featured in several podcasts. I do my first webinar and create my first online program. I have 700+ people sign up for my webinars and I realize I’m onto something. I debut my first article for The Huffington Post. 

October:  I launch Zero To Network, and show other young people how to network their way to their dream gigs. 

I hire my coach and realize that I LOVE coaching + I am made for this. I keep doing webinars and reach 1000+ subscribers. 

I officially graduate from university and get my two pieces of oversized paper (aka. degrees). 

November: I launch The Freedom Career and start mentoring and coaching more young people 1-on-1. I absolutely love helping people get breakthroughs and I realize I’m freakin good at it too. I get trained in EFT and learn to conquer my fear gremlins. 

December: I reconnect with an old classmate and I realize that I am already making it happen. I am living my purpose.One of the intentions behind my website was to be a beacon of light. Back when I was in Business School, I had inkling that many of my peers inalso wanted to follow their passions, but they just didn’t know how. There was too much pressure from the system to get a traditional job and take the safe route. 

My intention with this website and business was to show young people that it is possible. There is a way. Now I am SURE of it because I’ve done it. 

I have a thriving freedom business and amazing community of 1000+ awesome dream chasers (YOU!) who inspire me and push me to be a better person everyday.

I hope you will take those leaps for yourself in 2015. Your life can be so much bigger than you planned for.  You really start living when you let go of the plans and just follow your passion.  

I have learned and have experienced that when you are living your purpose, the universe will provide everything you need for your journey. 

I’ve learned that dreams don’t have to take long to come true, but they do take a steady dose of belief, faith and inspired action. When you take inspired action, you will be inspiring thousands others. Trust that the good that you put out into the world will come back to you in every direction. 

It IS possible to figure out your passion and turn it into a paying career doing what you love. It doesn’t happen overnight, but it can happen faster when you start to invest in dreams - be it through time, money or energy. 

I will be the first to admit that there were times when I was petrified out of my mind. This year, I learned how to deal with the fear head on. This is actually one of my proudest accomplishments.

My life is not controlled my fear anymore.  Now fear will never stop me because this - this website, this email, our friendship - is so much bigger than my fear

I recently made my biggest  and most expansive investment in my life and in my business to date. 

I’m super excited because it means I will be able to serve you even better in 2015. I can’t wait to get to know you even more in 2015 and to work with you.  

I am committed to teaching you everything that I’ve learned in my journey so that you too can release your fear, find your passion and activate your Greatness. 

Whatever lies in your heart and soul, start it in 2015. I want you to send me a timeline in December 2015 just like mine - one that is filled with extreme highs and extreme lows - because those building blocks of a dream worth pursuing. 

Do what you came to do, because there is no time like the present.  

May 2015 be your best year yet!

Just Love, 


Ready to Start Now?

 If you’d like my help to find and live your passion, I invite you to CLICK HERE  to schedule a complimentary Skype coaching consultation with me. 

May you soar higher than ever in 2015. We are waiting for you to step up to the plate. xx


Anita Wing Lee
Transformational Life Coach, Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker and Mentor helping aspiring trailblazers turn their passion into their career.

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