How I Ended Up in the Heart of A Humanitarian Crisis

Why did i come here - all the way to Lesvos, Greece into the heart of the Syrian refugee crisis? I don't even watch the news, how did this refugee issue come into my life!? The universe had to work through my friendship with Amanda to put it DIRECTLY in front of my face, back in Nov/Dec.

Coincidence? I don't believe in such things.

So, I was inspired to come to Lesvos, Greece. I thought I was here to help refugees. But right now now all of the refugees are gone from this island! The last few days, I'm kept thinking - why am I here?!

Today it became clear, I was not sent here to help refugees, but to help elevate all of humanity.

I must have been brought here so that 1) the universe could show me how a massive movement of good can stem just from a few people showing up. 2) how there are so many people out here like me and YES, they will just show up 3) so i could practice this new form of scope journalism/activism - for all of the greater things i will do (and Life even sent me @MrASingh to help me)

I ended up on Lesvos because I simply followed my inspiration.

For my first 2 weeks, i felt so helpless. I understood that handing out tea was helpful, but I didn't feel useful. Yet by being in the mix of volunteers from ALL around the world, I got to witness - and for a short time - be part of the incredible MAGIC of a web of souls that just turned up to help. I got to contribute a small part of the end result.

It is mind-boggling that the entire refugee network works.

It shouldn't. Each of the refugee camps I've been to are fun by all a couple dozen people. Some have been here for 3 days. Some stay for months. And everything in between.

And yet these individual volunteers have created this massive chain that allows refugees to travel THOUSANDS of kilometres across a continent.

And then of course, there is Periscope. I've been finding my feet for how to do better interviews and get into the flow of publishing loads while I experience heavy things (and that is a BIG skillset in itself). wow.

anita wing lee

I am so grateful to be on this journey. I know that I cannot solve the problems of the world, but I feel that I am finding the faith to DARE to try.

Let me just TRY in this life.

Let me just TRY and see what will happen if I stop worrying about my career, my bank account, my "business" and instead I wake up everyday asking the question: How can I help today? Who could I serve? How could I use my gifts and talents to help others?

I will keep asking and giving.

and giving.

Until my 1 suitcase and 1 backpack are empty.

Until my pockets are emptied out into the hearts of humanity.

xx. Anita

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Anita Wing Lee
Transformational Life Coach, Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker and Mentor helping aspiring trailblazers turn their passion into their career.

From Greece to Germany: Working In the Refugee Crisis


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