There is an ancient story about a little frog who claimed that he could climb up to the tallest mountain in the village. The village frogs all doubted him and told him that his idea was stupid, absurd. The little frog ignored their remarks started his climb. At first, the villagers discouraged him, shouting insults and comments to convince him to stop. As he got closer and closer to the summit, the villagers started cheering for him and giving him encouragement. The little frog climbed and climbed until he reached the top triumphantly. Upon his return to the base of the mountain, the villagers told him, “See, we always believed in you. We knew you could do it.” The little frog didn’t respond. One of the villagers asked the little frog’s sister, “why doesn't he respond to us?”  The sister replied, “He’s deaf. He cannot hear you.” 

 The little frog wasn't listening to the noise around him, outside him, but he was listening to a Voice of Truth inside him that told him he was capable of climbing the mountain.

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Trust. It’s such a short simple word that hides oceans of power. When we really trust, we become unstoppable. There is no space in our lives for doubt or the wayward influences of the crown.

We all have something inside us that beckons us to our mountains, quietly (and sometimes loudly) reminding us that we are capable of more. Finding way to articles and videos like this means that the Spark inside you has spoken. Now it is time to climb! 

Trusting in a higher power, whether you call it the universe, God, guardian angels, is like having the ultimate trust fund. You know that no matter what happens, something will catch you and you’d be able to bounce back. 

This sense of spiritual security is my lifeline, my pulse and my power. 

Let’s talk about how to increase your faith and step into a spiritual power beyond our own. 

  1. Become aware of just how much fear runs your life

This step is painful, awkward and humbling, but it cannot be avoided. There is power in admitting to ourselves that we cannot do it. There is freedom in recognizing that my way of thinking is wrong and I need to find a different way of seeing the world and my life. Consider these questions:

    1. How much fear I do experience around money? 

    2. How much fear do I experience around relationships? 

    3. Work and my career? 

    4. Food and physical health? 

If it helps, you can even put a number to your how much you think fear runs your life. On a scale of 0 to 100%, 100% being “I am certain that God’s got me and I live in a state of total confidence” and 0 being “I am utterly overwhelmed by my fear and make all my decisions out of fear,” how would you rate yourself? 

You don't have to tell anyone this rating, but I like using numbers because the number we intuitively choose is very revealing.  I may think I'm confident but if I land on 30%, then I must admit that there is room for growth. 

2. decide that you don't want to live in fear anymore

 The interesting thing about decisions we make in only our minds is that it's easy to go back on them. I could decide that I want to get married, and still have my doubts but choose to follow through and get married because there is physical act associated with it. What about worry? The decision to stop worrying is not so tangible. For example, with something like money, we have a culture of being indecisive. One moment, when we have a steady paycheck, we decide that we are financially secure, but when are external circumstances change, we go back on that decision. 

What if you just decided that you want to be someone who trusts that the universe/God will provide?

This is a decision I made. A few years ago I noticed that I kept flip-flopping back and forth on this topic. I would decide to trust God, and then change my mind depending on what happened.  I reached a point where I was sick and tired of my own fear and I decided to train myself to live in a state of trust. This is a decision I've made and I refused to go back on it. 

It also helps that I signed a contract and handed over all of my assets to God.  I choose to see myself as simply a steward of the life, talents, financial resources, relationships, and time, and energy that I've been given.

Decide today give up the fear.

3. Install A New Way Of Thinking and Seeing. 

To live in freedom, we have to rewire our neuropathways out of fear so that we experience more trust than fear. It’s a process. Think of it like installing a new operating system to your phone. It can take up to an hour. Well, we are undoing years, possibly decades, of fear, so this will take time. It’s not going to happen overnight, but it is going to happen as long as you need the installation in progress. 

How do we find the right program to install? What is the one that leads to the greatest experience of trust? 

I believe that we’ve been given an internal compass, a truth-detector, a GPS. I can tell you what direction my GPS is pointing towards that is my path to greater freedom and love, but it doesn’t feel in integrity for me to tell you that I’m “right.” I’ve arrived at my current understanding by experience and personal exploration.  Plus, I’m only 28 and I expect my spiritual understanding to continue to deepen, grow and evolve. 

With that said, here is my journey of learning to trust. My ongoing installation process:

I’ve spend considerable time getting to know what the universe is and who God is. 

I think of the universe like painting. You can study the painting and it reveals plenty about the painter and you can also get to the painter herself, God. (I’m deliberately using female pronouns, as God is neither female or male. God just is.) 

For a few years I was on a journey of learning about universal law, and metaphysics. Then I ended up studying the Bible, and I realized that this is book full of God stories. These are the chronicles of a people who’s lives were guided by God. The stories, poems, letters offer wisdom for how to live. Passages like this stuck out to me and I found myself reading it, night after night for days:

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”

- Matthew

These days I’ve come to understand that a power much greater and wiser than me is guiding me in this life. I call it God, Creator, Love, the Voice of Truth, Holy Spirit, but I’ve also used other terms in the past and I’m sure I’ll include different terms as I learn. 

I’ve spent time getting to know who exactly God is to me and for me and that is why I now have unshakeable faith. In particular, my route to getting to know who and what God is, has been through the Bible, the Christian tradition and books on spirituality, metaphysics and quantum physics. Together, all of these have strengthened the faith of my heart and the logic in my mind that God is for us, with us, ahead of us and in us. 

I wouldn’t say that I’m “done.” I am constantly learning and integrating, and that is exactly what strengthens my trust. Having faith and trusting are ways of living, not singular moments.

So here it is. How to Trust That the Universe (God) has your back. Recognize your fear. Surrender the fear. Decide to Trust. Walk in the new Paradigm of Trust. I hope this helps and sheds some light on the process!

Please feel free to share your thoughts with me in the comments!

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Anita Wing Lee
Transformational Life Coach, Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker and Mentor helping aspiring trailblazers turn their passion into their career.

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