The Reason You Are Still Alive

Whenever I feel that I am at my wit's end and I seriously need help, I remember this incident in my life. Two years ago, on an epic bus ride from Kigali, Rwanda to Mwanza, Tanzania, I came across my own "guardian angel." Everything was going wrong on on this bus ride and as night descended, I realized that I could actually die out here.

We were driving on a dirt road in the African bush, in the pitch black. I didn't know where I was or if I was going to arrive at my destination.  My cell phone could get stolen. I could get kidnapped and disappear off the face the planet.  My parents would never see me again. It would take them days to find me out here. 

Then this person came out of nowhere and helped me get to my destination. Without his presence that day, I may not even be writing this right now. 

Watch the vlog below to hear about what happened: 

I want you to know that no matter what you are going through in your life, there is help available to you.  You are never alone. The universe will guide you to whatever support you need in the moment. It will send you the right people, resources, book, or blogs like this one.  Even if this is the first time you are discovering me, know that there are no coincidences.  You are exactly where you need to be, to learn the things that you need on your journey. 

That trip terrified me but I'm glad that it happened because it woke me up. It made me realize that there must be a reason that I am still alive. It helped me to find my purpose and to dream bigger than I ever thought possible. 

Follow my guidance and know that you too have a great purpose in life.

Another great resource for you the video from my free training on How To Land Paid Jobs And Internships Abroad.  I especially created this because it is one of my missions in life to help as many people travel as possible.  Hundreds of people have heard my story and been inspired to go for their dreams of travel too.  Watch it for free here. 

If you feel called to embark on your life's greatest adventures and expand your horizons, then this is your time and I'm here to help.  

Join me in Zero To Network, where I will guide you to build a professional network so that you get hired by your dream company and get paid to go on the adventure you are destined for. Travelling doesn't have to cost a fortune or break the bank when you know how to network powerfully and authentically. 

Zero To Network is a 4-week online program where we take a deep dive into what it means and what it takes to build lasting, genuine connections with world-changing companies and people you want to work for. 

For a limited time, I am opening up the doors to my flagship program and offering a special early bird price of $97. The price goes up to $147 on April 27th.  

If you are feeling called to do something meaningful with your life and ready to go on a radical journey with me, I invite you to join me in Zero To Network

Anita Wing Lee
Transformational Life Coach, Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker and Mentor helping aspiring trailblazers turn their passion into their career.

How to keep your sense of awe for life


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