When Things Don't Go According To Plan

When I first got the call about my cruise ship gig, I was so psyched to be back out in the wild, traveling and experiencing all that life has to offer.  I wanted to Periscope the world, document my travels and share the entire journey. The universe opened a way for me to do this and I was so ready to fly.

Within my first day on the ship, however, my heart sank. I could tell that it was going to much harder to Periscope my travels and keep my blog updated. 

The Truth Behind My Life Working On A Cruise Ship

Throughout the last 3 weeks, I've struggled. It’s not because my life has literally been turned upside down. That - I could handle.  I’ve traveled solo many times before and roughed it in the wilderness. But not having internet and not being able to Periscope? I felt like one of my limbs was cut off. 

I didn’t realize my work on the ship would take over most of my time and my energy. I didn’t realize it would be so hard to come up good Internet. (I could go on about the tough part of this cruise experience, but that’s not what I want to focus on.) 

So now what? I have another 2 weeks on the ship and I know that I have a choice. Every moment, every meal, every conversation - I have a choice. I can choose to see the highest possibility for each moment or I can become grumpy and suffer through my cruise my experience. 

When things don’t go as planned, this is what I’m doing to stay positive and continue creating miracles : 

1. Stay in the present moment.

There have been so instances where I stood looking at scenes like this one and I wanted to scope, but my phone wouldn’t connect to the Internet.  Sometimes, I even have full bars and it inexplicably won’t work.  I like to believe that it’s the universe telling me to let it go and just be present. 

2. Fill yourself up with things that bring you joy. 

I’m doing my best to take of yourself and do little things that make me happy. For me, this means making healthier food choices, going for short walks where I can get fresh air, and reading a few pages of my favourite book before I go to sleep. 

3. Be kind to yourself. 

I spent the first 10 days on the cruise ship trying and trying to find a good consistent Internet source.  Anytime that I find myself trying really hard to make something happen it’s a sign to ease off. However, Periscope is my thang. It was killing me to not be able to Periscope. I’ve been going morning meditation Periscopes for almost 3 months and I hoped that I would be able to do them on the ship. Turns out, with the steel walls and lack of privacy anywhere on the ship, it’s nearly impossible.  I was so disappointed. 

Last week, I ended up crying on a Periscope broadcast because I was so frustrated and upset about my Internet situation. I’ve tried literally dozens of options. I even bought a new android phone to use in America and it still cuts out sometimes.  Since that breakdown, I’ve given myself permission to not Periscope if I’m not feeling up to it. 

Sometimes, I really want to and my phone won’t connect. Other times, I’m just too plain exhausted after working with kids for hours. Being kind to myself means accepting how I feel, and not pushing myself overboard in an attempt to Periscope. 

4. Focus on who you are becoming.

Am I becoming the kind of person that I want to be on Earth? Am I becoming more kind, compassionate and loving? Is this trip making me a better or a bitter person? 

This is what I ask myself everything I find myself sinking into a negative spiral. I know that travel is never about finding paradise out in the world. It is about cracking yourself open and finding paradise within. I’m definitely being cracked open. When I feel like complaining about my situation, I remind myself that I am an infinite soul for whom all things are possible. 

I still believe that every experience you have in life is preparing you for your divine mission in the world. I don’t exactly what this experience will lead to, but trusting the process feels much better than being angry at myself. So I’m trusting. I give myself grace. I choose to see the light in this situation. 

I’d love to hear from you! What do you do when you feel like life isn’t working out for you? How do you choose to see the positive? 

Be sure to follow me on Periscope @anitawinglee to see me with glaciers, fjords and breathtaking landscapes in Alaska! 

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Anita Wing Lee
Transformational Life Coach, Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker and Mentor helping aspiring trailblazers turn their passion into their career.

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