5 Personal Goals Guiding My Sabbatical Journey: Rest, Growth, Inspiration
What Are My Personal Goals for This Sabbatical?
I first wrote this blog in February 2024, while sitting in a mall in Cartagena, Colombia, on one of those humid tropical days. I was sipping an iced coffee, trying to stay out of the heat, when inspiration struck! As I reflect on this journey, I’ve added in scores to each area, assessing how far I’ve come and where I still want to go. I call these purposes, not just goals, because they feel more like guiding intentions. I’ll use both terms here to explore what I’m hoping to achieve.
Surfing in Cartegena, Colombia, February 2024.
Purpose #1: Rest
Rest from my usual work.
This means taking a break from the activities that have been my primary source of income over the last few years. Those tasks began to feel burdensome, tied to generating revenue, and I lost the joy and soulfulness in my work. During this sabbatical, I’m stepping away from that cycle and giving myself time to not think about work.
Rest by giving myself open time.
I’m creating long periods of unscheduled time, mixed with a few key experiences like my Everest Trek, freediving courses, and the Kenya trip with H2O. From February through June, I have five months of travel, new experiences, and physical rest. After that, I’ll transition into my MBA program. Although the MBA involves work, I’m mindful of not letting it take me out of sabbatical mode.
Rest from worry.
I’m trusting that the itinerary I’ve planned is exactly as it should be. Yes, I could have done more research or planned differently, but I’m choosing to trust that this journey is unfolding as it’s meant to. God has provided for every step, and I know I don’t need to worry about what’s ahead. I have a buffer in case things go wrong, and my faith assures me that all is in God’s hands.
Score as of September 2024: B
Current status: I haven’t rested as much as I hoped. The summer months of June to August were filled with work and stress, which pulled me out of sabbatical mode. But as my MBA shifts into electives, I’m finding more free time. Even sitting down to write feels like rest, and that’s a positive step forward.
Sunset on the beach in Colombia, Feb 2024.
Purpose #2: Gratitude, Awe & Wonder
My sabbatical is an intentional time to cultivate gratitude, awe, and wonder. While these postures can be practiced anytime, I find it easier when traveling. Being in new places constantly pulls me into a state of awe, rewiring my brain to feel grateful for simply being alive.
Gratitude is healing and life-giving. It’s restorative, and often, it comes naturally when encountering new and different experiences. The more I practice, the easier it becomes to carry that sense of gratitude into my everyday life.
Score as of September 2024: B
Current status: I was doing great on this goal during my Everest trek and freediving courses in Bali. But the pressures of my MBA have made it harder to hold onto that sense of awe. I’m working through these pressures and slowly rediscovering my sense of gratitude.
Purpose #3: A Fresh Experience of God
Letting Go of This World to Enter a Bigger World, Where God Is Greater
Travel invites me to let events unfold and to witness the magic and process of life.
New, deep, and memorable experiences always expand my perspective.
Travel opens up a bigger world, where politics, history, science, and religion collide, reminding me of how small I am. Even the most advanced human might miss out on experiences only found in simplicity.
Through travel, my understanding of God grows. I see Him as bigger than I can comprehend, and these experiences stretch my definition of the divine.
Score as of September 2024: C
Current status: I haven’t connected with God in the profound way I had hoped, but I’m still trusting that it will happen. I’ve picked up a few books by Christian authors from the library, and I believe there’s something stirring. I’m hopeful that God will reveal Himself in new ways during the remainder of this sabbatical.
Balcony views from the Old Walled City in Cartegena, Colombia, February 2024.
Purpose #4: Fresh Inspiration
Doing new things, learning new skills, and meeting new people is rejuvenating because it allows me to see my life and circumstances with fresh eyes.
My prayer for this sabbatical is that it will inspire me for the future. I hope to gain a deeper sense of purpose and rekindle my passion for life. For a while, I lost momentum in my direction—especially in content creation. I’m either ready for something entirely new, or I need to see my past work through a fresh lens. I hope these experiences reignite my passion and joy for what’s ahead.
Score as of September 2024: B
Current status: I’m getting there. My MBA has pushed me to explore new career opportunities I might not have considered otherwise, and I feel more confident in my abilities. Did I need the MBA for this boost? I’m not sure, but it’s happening, and I’m excited to see where this exploration leads.
Purpose #5: Maturity & Personal Growth
I hope to grow in maturity, though it’s hard to imagine exactly how right now.
I have glimpses of the person I want to become—more patient, soft, wise, and kind. But I trust there’s even more that life has for me, beyond what I can see.
I know that by the end of this journey, I’ll look back and recognize the growth. I’m not sure exactly what form it will take, but I trust it’s coming.
Score as of September 2024: A-
Current status: I feel I’ve grown, but there’s still more to come. I have several months left in my sabbatical, and I believe beautiful things are on the horizon. I’m holding out for those moments of deep transformation.
By the end of this journey, I’m exploring the deeper question of what it means to live a life with rest—a life that includes good work, good rest, rich relationships, good food, and ease in my bones.