You Have More Power Than You Realize.

It's time we stop playing small. I feel it. I see it now. Do you? We are so powerful. We CAN change the system. And the crazy thing is that our primary work is to do the INNER work. Then we will unlock our capacity to serve at our highest potential in this world.

Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. What makes the difference between someone who slaves a way in a job they hate and someone who raises $1million for charity?

THIS: some people have learned to live their True Calling. When you are a soul a fire, the universe MUST respond and open doors for your purpose to be fulfilled.

There is a lot of work to be done in this world, my friends. Yes, take the time you need to reset. Take the time you need to soak up the magnificence of life.

Then don't just stay sitting in the hot springs. Get up, get out there and serve.

There are a lot of people who need our help. And everyone who is reading this message right now has a lot more to give than she realizes.

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Anita Wing Lee
Transformational Life Coach, Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker and Mentor helping aspiring trailblazers turn their passion into their career.

The Best Thing About Living out of 1 Suitcase.


What True Freedom Looks Like (And It's Not What You Think)