What it means to be truly, authentically wealthy | A BLOG SERIES ON MONEY Part 1 of 5

What is true wealth and do we already have it? 

What is a wealthy and meaningful life? 

Do we really need “more” money to have a meaningful and fulfilling life? 

Our world defines wealth as money. If you have money and you spend it conspicuously, you are labelled: wealthy. This is an equation that we take for granted and is reinforced externally and internally. The people with money and who spend it on fancy things consider themselves wealthy. We accept their self-definition, and then internalize it, judging ourselves to be wealthy or not wealthy based on how we compare to these individuals. 

Why I’m Writing This: My Heart for this 5-Part Series on Money.

I want to explore what it means to be truly, authentically wealthy. I need to do this for myself, but I hope that this piece (which is part of a five-part series on exploring the spiritual significance of money) will also help to set your soul free. 

anita wing lee

I need to do this for myself because, right now, I live in the city. After years travelling the world, living at places like retreat centers and meeting people with wildly different viewpoints and alternative lifestyles, life in the city has been quite an adjustment. I’ve noticed its effect on myself. The tendency to go shopping when I have nothing to do since “shopping” is the ubiquitous leisure activity, has crept into me. The relentlessness of ads and signs bombards me. All these conversations we always talk about our jobs simmer in mind.

I need to remember that life in the city is not all there is. There are thousands of ways to define success, and though a job promotion is considered automatic “success” when you’re living in the city, it is not always the case at the soul level. 

Imagine if people said, “I’m so sorry to hear that,” when someone announces their new promotion. Imagine if people said “Congrats!” when someone is laid off. The strangeness of these suggestions is an indication of how normal it is for us to equate job success = happiness.

A Definition of Wealth: 

Wealth can be defined as a surplus of resources. It could be internal, external, financial, spiritual, social, emotional health, physical health and more. At any given point in life, I can have a surplus in one or more of these categories. 

Someone can be extremely rich in spiritual wealth and health wealth, but her financial wealth may only be average. She’d automatically label herself only averagely wealthy. I’d like to shake the automaticity off of wealth and invite us into re-defining success and wealth based on our soul guidance system. 

What if we looked at life as the process of creating our Recipe for Authentic Personal Wealth? 

Someone may want their financial tank to be 1000% full and thus sacrifice wealth in all the other areas of their lives. Personally, I’m wired to need spiritual and internal wealth in order to feel happy and balanced. I’ve noticed that some people are ok going through life, never quite doing a deep dive into their life purpose. They may be fine to fulfill the role of a mother or employee or director as they let external forces give them meaning.  I’m wired differently. I HAVE to be doing what feels like it’s smack in the middle of my life purpose. (And honestly, I believe we are all wired to want to live our fullest potential) I can only spend so much time out of my purpose before I’m spiritually depleted and I have to do something to recuperate this form of internal wealth. 

Take time to define for yourself: what is your Recipe for Authentic Personal Wealth? 

Do you value strong relationships? 

Do you value meaningful experiences? 

Do you value family raising children? 

Do you have an influential career? 

Do you have financial wealth? 

Do you value physical health? 

Do you value adventure and freedom? 

Do you value stability and security?

These are questions only you can answer for yourself, so please take the time to do this.  

Finding My Recipe for Authentic Personal Wealth and Wellbeing

I’ve been personally going through this process as I adapt to life in the city. I pay attention to when I might be spending my money in ways that don’t actually align with my values. This realization then goes into my Recipe, and the next time around that I look at my finances and personal resources, I think about how I can use my resources in the ways that fulfill my life purpose. 

We all have choices. We are not required or forced to align with anyone else’s Recipe for Authentic Success. Though at times it may seem like we should, we do not have to. I’ve felt this pressure to conform as I’ve lived in the city and had conversations with friends who’ve gotten job promotions, raises and new cars from their jobs. 

I found myself getting upset at God, asking why am I here?! In this non-profit job with seemingly no opportunity for growth? Where is my car? Where is my raise? Don’t you know I can do better than this? WTF?

In my quieter moments with God, I’ve sensed the deeper voice of wisdom speak to me: 

“You know that everything has a trade-off? You could be in a corporate job with more perks, but you may not have time to create content like you are right now. What if you trusted that the amount of money you make right now is exactly what you need for what you’re here to hear? Count your blessings! Do you see all the other forms of wealth you have, Anita? You are full of life and passion and adventure. You have clarity, purpose and deep meaning in your life. Would you really trade all of this for that mirage of “city success” - that deep down you don’t care about?” 

In these quieter moments, I recenter on what authentic wealth and success mean to me. I often go back to my first trip teaching English in Italy. I had the sum total of 5 outfits that fit into a school-sized backpack. (Not even a big backpacker’s backpack. Just a small one.) I was the happiest I’d ever been and I had so little stuff. Or in Hawaii, when I also wore the same few outfits and I LOVED it. More does not necessarily make me happier. It just means I have more to choose from, and sometimes I don't even want to use my brainpower to pick outfits. When I’m radically honest with myself, I know: more clothes and a fancier job title is not in my soul’s Recipe. 

Don’t get confused with other people’s definition of success. 

Defining what makes our lives meaningful will be a lifelong process. We learn from experience and from those we meet. I've learned what I value and what others don’t. It’s ok to differ and to change. 

What gives me peace is knowing that I’ve actually considered my options and made the choice that is best for me, my soul and what I’m here to do on this planet. 

You’ve just read Part 1 in a 5-Part blog series exploring into the money, it’s spiritual significance and how to use the money you have wisely to live a meaningful and creatively fulfilling life.

Dive into all 5 parts of the this blog series on Money:

Part 1: What It Means To Be Truly, Authentically Wealthy

Part 2: Deconstructing and Appreciating Your Income (No Matter How Much You Make)

Part 3: The True Purpose Of Money

Part 4: How To Spend Your Money Most Wisely

Part 5: Totally Surrendering My Finances To God

Thank you so much for reading! 💛 Your presence here means a lot. Thank you for sharing in this journey with me.


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Anita Wing Lee
Transformational Life Coach, Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker and Mentor helping aspiring trailblazers turn their passion into their career.

Deconstructing & Appreciating Your Income (No matter how much you make) | A BLOG SERIES ON MONEY Part 2 of 5


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