How I Created My First Meditation Retreat In Hawaii

What if everything in your life was preparing you for this moment? There are so many lessons that I'm gleaning from this experience putting my meditation course and retreat in Hawaii and watching it come to life. My soul is still digesting it but here is a start: 

1️⃣ Get your fear out of the way. The only thing stopping you from greatness is fear and fear is an illusion. Learn how to deal with it and you'll become unstoppable. 

2️⃣ Do what's in the flow and surrender the outcome. Sweet, sweet surrender creates peace throughout the process. 

3️⃣ Follow your gut - even for every micro-decision. This also makes the whole process of creating fun, instead of tedious. 

4️⃣ Have unshakeable faith. It's taken me a few years to understand faith. I'm not talking about blind faith. I'm talking about faith that comes from KNOWING - with a doubt - that I'm simply here to serve. 

5️⃣ It's supposed to be easy! For me, there is no such thing as "working hard." There is only doing what is divinely guided and inspired or, stop until it's the right time.

We are all meant to be creators. What do you want to create with your life? Declare it. I'd love to hear below! -AWL💛

📷: Teaching during my course in Hawaii. Day 4: We're off to the Volcano for a meditation by the crater! Photo by @marcela_r_b

Anita Wing Lee
Transformational Life Coach, Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker and Mentor helping aspiring trailblazers turn their passion into their career.

Hawaii Retreat: I can barely believe this just happened.


Before I could blog, I tried.