
Practical help & insights

for a life of adventure, creativity & meaning

Anita's Favorites, Travel The World Anita Wing Lee Anita's Favorites, Travel The World Anita Wing Lee

The Reason You Are Still Alive

Whenever I feel that I am at my wit's end and I seriously need help, I remember this incident in my life. Two years ago, on an epic bus ride from Kigali, Rwanda to Mwanza, Tanzania, I came across my own "guardian angel."

Everything was going wrong on on this bus ride and as night descended, I realized that I could actually die out here...

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How I Broke Through My Terror Barrier & Created A Life On My Own Terms.

As we reach for bigger and bigger things in ours lives, fears are guaranteed to come up.

At this crucial point, you can either give up or go forward. But I know that if you're reading this, you're the type who WANTS to go forward so I wanted to share some special tips today.

The Terror Barrier is this concept that when you are trying to change your life, there is a mental barrier to you must break through. You have to completely change the way you think about your life and what is possible. You have to break a LOT of old habits and unconscious ways of thinking. When you first try to do this, you subconscious mind FREAKS out. It will make you worry and convince you to that it's too painful, not gonna work, etc. 

Let me explain: (I prefer to be transparent. A lot of people make it look like success comes to me easy, but I always find inspiration from learning the behind-the-scenes of people's lives, so here we go!)

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What It Really Means To Live Your Passion

Everything takes time.  Lots of time. More than I know how to
fathom at my age.

I'm 23.  When I read about the careers of people who are doing what
I would love to do one day, I can feel the whole ship sinking.

AAAH, there's so much to do. How am I supposed to do all of that?!
I don't know how to do 99% of the things they talk about and the 1%
things that I can do, I suck at.  

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Anita's Favorites, Follow The Calling Anita Wing Lee Anita's Favorites, Follow The Calling Anita Wing Lee

4 Reasons Millennials Will Be The Generation To Really Change The World

My Insights: I’m tired of hear­ing about how Mil­len­ni­als/Gen Y, aka. WE, are lazy, nar­cis­sis­tic and apathetic.

So far, I’ve trav­elled to and worked in 17 coun­tries. I maxed out every oppor­tu­nity dur­ing my uni­ver­sity years to travel by work­ing, vol­un­teer­ing, intern­ing, research­ing, teach­ing and study­ing abroad.   I can say from first-hand expe­ri­ence that young peo­ple from North Amer­ica to Europe to Africa are Dig­i­tal Natives and Global Cit­i­zens who are work­ing to cre­ate a bet­ter world.

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