Practical help & insights
for a life of adventure, creativity & meaning
My Secret Is Out: I'm Doing A Masters Of Divinity.
This is the secret I’ve been sitting in, unsure of how to explain it or if it’s even valuable to share online: I’m starting a masters program.
You Are A Genius: How to Find Your Advantage and Excel
We don’t look at someone like Serena Williams, the tennis legend, and wonder why she can’t play basketball very well. It would be absurd for her to think to herself, “I’m a terrible basketball player. I suck at long distance running.” Of course! She’s meant to be a tennis player and and she’s a world class at it.
I'm Starting a Masters Degree program in 3 weeks! (and How I'm Handling This Insane Workload)
I feel nervous. And not the kind of nervous that has a tinge of excitement, but the kind that is pushing at my seams, daring me to be overwhelmed.
Life In The City: 10 Things To I'm Learning To Love About It
I’ve been making peace with the city. We’ve had a complicated relationship.
First up, a little back story:
My Search for Truth, Faith and God
I had to wait for the dust to settle from my “spiritual overhaul”, excavate the mess I found in soul and hope that my feet will land in this reality again.