Guided Meditation to Hear God's Voice

The ideas are not our own. 

I finally got to catch up with the editorial team at Faith Strong Today last week, after my time in Guatemala. I normally produce a positive news segment for them every Friday, but now that the studios are closed, we had to regroup. I didn’t feel like I could add anything new to my creative load (I still have hours and HOURS of video to edit from Guatemala), but I did some research and pitched my ideas. 

And would you believe which idea they were most excited about? 

Guided meditations.

It’s been years since I led guided meditations, but its like breathing to me. You never forget. In 2015-2016, I led hundreds of guided meditations on Periscope, the livestreaming app. It was an exhilarating chapter of my life, one that took me to New York City and San Francisco, to cruise ships and couchsurfing.

Unbeknownst to the Faith Strong Today team (or anyone for that matter), a few months ago, I had the sudden creative urge to produce, like, 100 guided meditations and put them all up on Youtube. I even mapped out the logistics. If I spent a dozen of Saturdays and weekday nights recording and editing, I could have 100+ meditations up. 

It just felt like, this is something I could offer people. Something that would help.  Like if I was a doctor, and could distribute medicine, wouldn’t I do it?  At that time, though, I didn’t have a dozen Saturdays and weeknights. I needed that time to rest. (Coming up with ideas that are too big for me is my chronic issue.) 

Low and behold, God does not forget His ideas. 

For the next little while, during the pandemic lockdown, I’m live-streaming guided meditations every morning Monday to Friday at 8:15am on Periscope and soon on Faith Strong Today’s channels. 

To be honest, I’m not entirely sure how long I will be able to sustain this, but it looks we will all be in lockdown for another 2-3 months, so I’m willing to see where this leads!

These are different from what I used to do. A bit more God. Hopefully, that doesn’t deter you for joining me for a meditation. I promise, more God is a good thing. :)

To join live, login through the Periscope app on your phone or tablet, and find me @anitawinglee. 

Or watch them on desktop here:

Here are my first two guided meditations this week. We are walking through the 4 keys to hearing GOd’s voice. Click here to watch.

Anita Wing Lee
Transformational Life Coach, Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker and Mentor helping aspiring trailblazers turn their passion into their career.

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